Implementation of the 2020 Curriculum has been officially launched by the Government, some schools have used target schools and teachers in training. Even the student and teacher handbooks have been revised several times from 2014 to 2020. But it is not enough to stop there to succeed the 2020 curriculum, one of the most important in succeeding the 2020 curriculum is the use of scientific renewal in learning. After the last few years in using Scientist also discussed in the field, one of the things that was complained of by the teachers was in the “asking questions” section. While one of the reasons for choosing a scientific discussion as a discussion in the 2020 Curriculum is an increase in the willingness and ability to ask students in class.
Therefore, on this occasion the author will explore a little about how to make students active in asking questions. Here are some important points that must be noted and understood by the Masters. While you sharpen student with ask question in a good way, this also can make some gambler online polish they’re skill to play fish hunter or slot online.
First, teachers must understand about the 2020 curriculum. The 2020 curriculum is developed based on various reasons (Ministry of Education and Culture, 2015). These reasons include: (1) Internal Challenges, (2) External Challenges, (3) Improvement of Mindset, (4) Strengthening Curriculum Governance, (5) Strengthening of Materials, (6) Characteristics of Curriculum 2020.
Second, the change in Teacher’s Mindset. Some changes in mindset that need to be done by the Teacher include:
- The teacher is only a facilitator in learning activities. The teacher no longer considers it as the only source of information in learning. The teacher must turn into only a learning experience provider.
- The teacher no longer has to explain and explain the material. Learning is no longer understood as a process of transfer of knowledge to students. Further learning about the process helps students make sense of their interaction experiences with learning resources.
- The teacher must change the way learning can be done anywhere, anytime. Teachers must pay attention to learning in the classroom as just one of many other kinds of learning activities.
- The teacher must change the way learning is no longer to accumulate knowledge. Learning must be considered as an effort to develop students’ thinking abilities (critical, creative, and independent).
- The teacher must change from learning that emphasizes the speed and accuracy of counting, to learning that develops the ability to formulate problems.
The teacher must change from individualized learning to learning that supports growth with willingness and ability to support. - The teacher must change his perception of teaching work no longer dominating, but who can become a teacher.
- Third, the teacher understands about scientific learning in learning. The recommended learning recommended in the 2020 curriculum is a discussion known as the 5 M (Observing, Asking, Gathering Information, Associating, and Communicating). Here are some things that need our mutual attention.
Fourth, the teacher is able to use or make observational activities. The teacher can use the learning activities that are already in the package book or the teacher can make Observation Activities according to the conditions of each school. Observing is basically an activity of observing something, using the senses carefully. Observing can be done by reading, listening, listening, seeing (without or with tools) The results of observations can be in the form of resolution, axioms, postulates, theorems, properties, graphs and so forth. This learning gathering experience is expected to facilitate students in developing and practicing sincerity, accuracy, and the ability to find information.
Fifth, the teacher must encourage students to ask, the main questions raised by the investigation (questions that encourage people to ask questions before answering them). In this questioning phase, the students who need to make questions are not the teacher. Here are nine things that the teacher can do in the questioning activity:
- Introducing an interesting phenomenon that has never been recognized by students before. As explained in the fourth point, the teacher is able to make Observational Activities. This means that students will ask questions if what is observed is really interesting and makes students curious about what is observed.
- Words in a question. Students are given several words or series of words, and they are asked to make sentences containing these words. For example, make a question that contains the words “long side” and “short side”. Make a question that contains the words “Around” or “Broad”.
- The teacher gives examples of inducement questions, for example what must be considered on the short side and the long side? How do you find the circumference formula and the rectangular area formula ?.
- The teacher forms a study group in observing and asking questions. After the observation time is finished, each student in one group must make at least one question. Then choose the three best questions according to the group. After that, exchange the three questions with another group. Then answer and discuss the three questions from the other groups in each group.
- The teacher can also ask students to work in groups to make a number of questions first, and then ask them to agree to choose one particular question that is worthy of being followed up with an investigation, either by another group or the group itself.
- The teacher provides an opportunity for each student to conduct observation activities. Then each student must blindly ask at least three questions. In this phase the teacher goes to each student who seems to be having difficulty in making questions, then the teacher directs the student to look again at the observation activity material. Occasionally the teacher plays the role of “pretending” not knowing and so asks the student something, “why is it like this huh?”, “What if according to emo” and so on.
- Completing what if or what if not questions. Students are given the task to complete questions that begin with the words What if which means “what if” or what if not which means “what if not”.
- Questioning Breakfast. Breakfast “ask”. Every morning, before starting the lesson, students are asked to write questions. The teacher can condition that the questions made by the students are in accordance with the themes and basic competencies being discussed.
- Questioning Appraisal. Giving awards to students who have a good quantity and quality of investigative questions. That way, students perceive the questioning activity as a useful activity.
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